Friday, April 14, 2006

bad friday

i hate poems. i hate spoken word fucks. and i hate PMS. but one day, a yr or so ago, i wrote a poem about PMS. and it pretty much encapsulates how i feel today. so poetry hating aside...enjoy!

I'm feelin' more crampy than bitchy.
but sometimes the cramps are a bitch.
if i'm feelin' more bitchy than crampy,
you might go and call me a witch.
but whichever way i be feelin'
i suggest you stay out of my way.
cause the cramps are a bitch
and i'll soon be a witch
and you'll turn into my fuckin' prey.

happy easter.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

thing to be a little bit more happy about #3


my headhunter just called. my dream agency is hiring. and they're only hiring chicks. i'm no feminist, but at this point i'll take advantage of a little female affirmative action, in exchange for all the time i don't (and won't) get taken seriously.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

thing to be realatively happy about #2

growing up in so.flo. i only knew two seasons. hot, and fuck you. but apparently here there are 4 seasons, and we're in one called spring which is actually quite nice. back home at this time, when the heat starts to begin it's ascent back to 117º, flowers let out a last "fuck you" and promptly die. but here they look pretty like this one outside my apartment.

good god. somebody make me stop. i just got nauseated.